I know; it might seem odd to write a blog about goal setting in mid-March, but why not? A few days ago, I stumbled upon my vision book. As a result, I stepped back and looked at some of my blogs. Among the blogs that still resonate with me is the one "Letter to Myself" It will never get old. Why is that? Probably because it inspired me and gave me the motivation and confidence I needed to help me become successful in the years to come.
My experience over the years has taught me that setting goals and making New Year's resolutions is a waste of time. While I wanted things to change, writing them down on paper was not compelling. It was necessary to do something else. I needed to get to the root of the problem. My inner thoughts have hindered my growth. They have prevented me from achieving my goals. Altering my mindset was helpful. I used my vision book as a blueprint to achieve my goals. It serves as a journal. I document my moods and journeys. I still use it today. Ultimately, it made me more reflective and less critical. Being less critical was the goal I wanted to work on. Looking back at my vision board: I was pleased when I completed one goal and even more excited to start making new plans for my upcoming goal/journey.
Rather than writing a list of goals for the new year, I wanted to start by changing my mind frame with each day: bringing me closer to a better version of myself. If I want to make changes in my life, There should not be a particular time for implementing these changes. My vision book allows accountability to come into play here. As I moved forward, I did so at my own pace. It was intentional. Most importantly, It kept me pushing and moving forward. Continuously; striving to improve my position and never become complacent.
The year 2022 was a great one for me. It was a time of change, growth, and discipline. There are things that I lack and need to improve. Regarding my journey of growth, I walked away from a hostile environment. Whenever my peace is compromised, there is no point in staying. Protecting my peace; there is no need to explain or go back and forth. Every reaction does not need a comeback. When I already; knew the answer to a question, I would ask my friends and family for their opinion. This time that was not the case. Change occurs with a new job position. Changing my work environment; I love it. Looking back at the regrets I had in my life, the only regret I had was staying in an undesirable situation and believing things would improve. Moving on has never been a regret for me. I must have disciplined to achieve my personal goals. Therefore, I am no longer overextended out. To those whom I love and who can reciprocate my love, I am making time. My goal; for growth is coming along. Several detrimental habits are no longer with me. As I look forward to my journey in 2023, I am grateful for my vision board and "Letter to Self" blog. Always remember: "I am the captain of my faith; I am the conqueror of my soul.". Until next time stay positive and driven.
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